
Collaborative Research: Synthesis of Novel Fluorometric Probes

This research focuses on the synthesis of a library of fluorometric amphiphiles that can be studied for their potential use in biomedicine. Our library of synthesized compounds will be used to further investigate the complex nature of how therapeutic compounds (drugs) traverse a cell membrane. Dr. Anju Gupta (Assistant Professor, University of Toledo) and her research team will form model lipid membranes that mimic the cell membrane and study the interactions of our novel molecular probes with potential therapeutic properties using differential scanning calorimetry and cryogenic electron microscope.

Contact Info

Dr. Tina Goudreau Collison/ Professor of Chemistry

Rochester Institute of Technology /School of Chemistry and Materials Science

85 Lomb Memorial Drive / Rochester, NY 14623

Office: GOS-3276 / phone: (585)475-2634 / email: cgcsch@rit.edu